Online Travel Company Integrates Operations and Increases Employee Productivity

Business Overview (MMT) was launched in the year 2000 to address the booming ‘USA – India’ air travel market. Since then, the company has been growing at a fast pace and has emerged as the largest online travel company in India, having a robust offline presence.

MMT launched its domestic Indian operations in 2005, which became an instant hit. The company controlled almost 50% share of the online travel business in India and was expected to achieve gross bookings of U.S. $500 million during the fiscal year 2009 – 2010.

MMT needed to integrate the diverse aspects of its rapidly growing business operations. The company wanted an integrated software solution that would streamline their business processes, integrate with diverse systems, and scale to meet its expansion needs.

The company teamed up with All e Technologies (Alletec), which built a highly customized travel industry-specific solution on Microsoft ® Dynamics™ NAV.

The solution with a browser-based interface for the agents tightly integrates the mid-office and back-office operations and pulls data from in real time.


The MMT management very quickly realized that an efficient business application was going to be the lifeline for an online travel company experiencing rapid growth:

  •  Although an extremely tech savvy and technology driven business from the ti me of its incepti on, coping up with huge surge in business volumes, was a challenge 
  • Need of ti ght integrati on between front, mid, and back offi ce functi ons was a core necessity 
  • Given the huge transacti on volumes, transacti on tracking and reconciliati on was becoming an ever increasing challenge
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