Your business has been generating mountains of dark data. Customer and vendor interactions, visitors browsing your website, business transactions, connected devices, and practically every action undertaken, or not undertaken, could be making invaluable additions to your data treasure. Do you know how many business insights and opportunities are hidden within this data?
A steady stream of insights can fuel your business momentum. But for that to happen, data must be sufficient, relevant and connected. Fragmented, or low quality data cannot become the fuel for business growth. The data supply-chains and processes therefore need to be reimagined. Our full-stack data scientists enable you evolve and implement your Data Strategy.
Channelizing structured and unstructured data, RDBMS & Big Data, File systems, Emails, Websites & Web APIs
Data cleaning, Normalization, Extraction, Transformation and Data Loading
Creating features (using domain knowledge of the data) that make machine learning algorithms work.
This will include:
Using Supervised, Unsupervised, or Reinforcement Learning to perform specific tasks effectively, relying on patterns and inferences instead of using specific instructions.
Algorithm selection is driven by the nature of problem being solved. One, or a combination of – Regression, Classification, K-Mean, KNN, Decision Tree, Random Forest, Support Vector Machine, etc. could be applied for model building and training.